A highly visual textbook for college students
A highly visual textbook for college students
Scales of study: regional, watershed, water body
Scales of study: regional, watershed, water body
How do individual water table elevation measurements in wells represent the topography of the water table?
How do individual water table elevation measurements in wells represent the topography of the water table?
Breakthrough curves for solute transport under advection only, compared to advection & dispersion.
Breakthrough curves for solute transport under advection only, compared to advection & dispersion.
Well pumping can change the regime of a stream from gaining to losing.
Well pumping can change the regime of a stream from gaining to losing.
Real-world example: Woburn, MA groundwater contamination.
Real-world example: Woburn, MA groundwater contamination.
A teapot as an analogy for the components of a system
A teapot as an analogy for the components of a system
The Basics of Groundwater
Melissa Clutter, Chloé Fandel, Ty Ferré
Nova Science Publishers (2022)
An undergraduate-level hydrogeology textbook introducing fundamental concepts and building quantitative problem-solving skills through the use of illustrations, analogies, and real-world examples.
Over 100 original illustrations were created for this book.
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